Thursday, July 21, 2011

Beginning Band PART THREE; Attitude

[PART THREE of an article written by Tracey Leeman owner of Musical Innovations and a long time educator published in the School Band and Orchestra July 2011 issue]

Parents who understand the value of music in a child's education and the lifelong benefits of studying music will be glad that their children are participating in a music program and will give their full support. Their enthusiasm will be contagious and their children will then approach their musical studies with excitement as well. There are many studies that prove this out. Here are just a few examples: 
Middle School students involved in a music program scored significantly higher than their non-band peers in standardized tests. 
Another study showed correlations between the number of years of instrumental music instruction and academic achievement in math, science, and language skills.. See University studies in Georgia and Texas. 
Musical studies appears to to dramatically enhance a child's abstract thinking skills and spatial-temporal ability - skills neccessary for math and science - even more than computer instruction does. See Dr. Frances Rauscher, U of CA-Irvine.
Music students showed higher academic scores and scored higher on SAT scores. See Dr Tim Lautzenheiser's book Attitude Concepts for Today and The College Board, Princeton, NJ
There are many other studies that show improvement in academic scores by studying music. 

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